
Khulisa & Impetus

We're delighted to join Impetus's portfolio of charity partners. With their help, we hope to scale our social and emotional learning programme to reach more young people in schools across the UK. With this greater reach and targeted support from the Impetus team, we hope to build our evidence base to prove that greater wellbeing leads to improved attainment, attendance and engagement for all young people.

– Cara Cinnamon, CEO, Khulisa

The need: Children from disadvantaged backgrounds have, on average, weaker Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills at all ages. This can lead to poorer mental health, lower academic attainment and poorer employment outcomes. There is strong evidence to suggest that SEL interventions can lead to gains in academic performance.

Our charity partner: Khulisa works with marginalised or excluded young people with challenging or anti-social behaviour, equipping them with the skills to choose alternatives to violence and crime. Their Face It programme is aimed at improving young people’s social and emotional skills, and they deliver an SEL Curriculum and trauma training to schools.

Our impact: We will help enhance the longterm impact of their well-evidenced therapeutic programmes, to deliver improved social and emotional skills that are sustained through time, and work towards evidencing impact on educational outcomes such as attendance and attainment.

Find out more

Our new report on social and emotional learning

A “state of the nation” report with the Centre for Education and Youth on social and emotional learning, which sets out what’s happening in practice and where we could go next.
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Announcing £300k in grants to three new charity partners

Impetus today announces grants to the Jon Egging Trust, Khulisa and Kids Inspire.
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