Your eligibility criteria outlines you are looking for leaders working in charites and social enterprises – does this extend to local authorities and schools?
No, leaders from local authorities and schools are not eligible for the ILA as the course content is not designed for their specific needs.
Will the course be delivered remotely, in-person or a combination of the two?
The programme is delivered in-person where possible but we work with participants to ensure that each component is accessible, especially for those based outside London.
Is the programme free or do I need to pay? What about expenses, such as travel?
The programme is fully funded by Bank of America and State Street, and is therefore free for all participants. Travel expenses will be reimbursed for those living outside London and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed for those travelling for more than 4 hours to attend events.
I’m interested in the course but I’m unsure I can attend all the sessions. Is this ok?
No, we require candidates to commit to attending all sessions. We have a limited number of places and we will prioritise applications from people who can take full advantage of the programme. Each participant will be required to sign a programme commitment declaration form before being accepted the programme.
My application was unsuccessful. Can I request feedback?
We are able to provide feedback to those unsuccessful at the interview stage, but unfortunately we are unable to provide personalised feedback for those unsuccessful at the application stage. However, we will let each unsuccessful applicant know the common elements we found in successful applications.
What is the masterclasses and events schedule likely to look like?
The schedule for 2025 is to be confirmed at this stage, but may look like the illustrative schedule below.
2025 | Event | Masterclasses (full day / AM) |
April | Kick-off day (full day) | - |
May | - | Impact Part 1 |
June | - | Impact Part 2 |
July | - | Leadership |
August | Financial management | |
September | Fundraising Part 1 | |
October | Fundraising Part 2 | |
November | Panel event (PM) | Influencing and advocacy |
December | Graduation event (full day) | Career progression |